I've enjoyed merging my communication and design skills to build websites for particularly important district or shared Town-WPS initiatives. Whether, for school building projects or budget needs, it important to leverage a number of web and social media tools to communicate our needs & goals as well as to engage and answer questions from the public. Click on the images below to redirected to some of these sites...and add to your list for regular updates!
I developed this website to describe the YES vs NO vote consequences of the Town's 2019 operating override. This was not limited to schools, but rather an all-encompassing picture of Town-wide impact on all major departments. Intended to "last" 2-3 years, we are once again talking about our shared priorities and how to fund them. This override passed, and included a $2M infusion for capital projects.
This site is the source for information on the new Lynch Replacement Project in partnership with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). Here you can find updates on the options developed for submittal to the MSBA (3) and the EFPBC's preferred option-- a new-build full replacement elementary school with expanded preschool programming to better accommodate the needs of young Winchester families.
McCall Expansion
This site was developed and expanded over 18 months to describe the needs and scope for the two-phase expansion at McCall Middle School.
Phase I - 2 classrooms + connector (2018-19)
Phase II - 6 classroom + expanded cafeteria, new team rooms/athletics space, teachers workroom and public bathroom facilities for Manchester Field / Knowlton Stadium
10-Year Facilities Master Plan
From 2016 to 2017, the School Committee commissioned an update to the district's 10-Year Facilities Master Plan. I was pleased to be the School Committee liaison for the project, which engaged representatives from multiple Town departments, committees and boards. This creative and collaborative team developed a 540-page resource to guide the district's 5- and 10-year capital plans. To see the Master Plan, click the link above or the cover image (below, right).
I enjoy making requests of Town Meeting for our district needs whether they be for capital projects, special initiatives or operating budget requests. These are good opportunities to help our representative local government understand our needs and priorities along with the strategic vision that supports them. Coming directly out of the Master Plan were our initial investments in Lynch (below, left) and Muraco (below, center). The Lynch funding has allowed us to get started on the design of the replacement school and the Muraco funding was essential is scoping out the work subsequently supported overwhelmingly under Ballot Question 1 in 2019.
Lynch Request
2020 Spring Town Meeting
This is a helpful overview of the application and partnership process with the MSBA. Town Meeting fully funded our $1.5M request for the Lynch Feasibility Study, which we currently in today!
Muraco Request
2020 Spring Town Meeting
This presentation with Mike Bettencourt framed the School Committee's & Select Board's so-called Life Extension Plan for Muraco, which was fully funded last Spring under Ballot Question 1